Desi’s Blog O’ Thoughts

My brain life stuff
May 19, 2009, 7:11 pm
Filed under: In my head

This is why I need to blog more often. I send myself a text message to remind me to put things in my blog. I discovered these two from March:

1 – Focused remis play. Vagina remis

2- Shit quarter. Randomly called and said loudly dont tell noone What am I talking about? I think number two has something to do with a woman on the bus who said loudly into her cell phone. “This is top -secret, don’t tell anyone I told you. I think you are getting fired” I sure hope they don’t work for intelligence.


I was not in support of Gay Marriage for a long time. It was mostly selfish, because I didn’t want to share my stuff with another human being forever. But since the whole prop 8 thing, post Obama Day, I feel it is important. Recently someone at work who married her husband for love and immigration got married a second time in one year because they wanted to have an outside wedding. I completely ignored the office second wedding celebration, though I did eat the pie. The second straight wedding pie was delicious. Please don’t think badly of me.

NAKED LADIES I have also rethought my position on the dressuendo aka shirt dress. I still think they aree dumb, you can’t be a dress and a shirt at the same time. That’s like making thong boxers, it doesn’t make sense. However, for fans of women’s thighs and butt-cheeks, think about this, it’s not even hot outside and all the ladies are practically naked in their shirt-dresses. How amazingly short and revealing will those shirt-dresses be in July? I am so putting mirrors on my shoes.

————-The question is do I segue to a story about inappropriate clothing or butts.

Ok inappropriate clothing… I saw a woman, who was extremely pregnant, wearing daisy dukes. You could totally see her butt cheeks sticking out of the bottom of her shorts. I think I also saw the head crowning but my train came and I had to run.


“Tryin’ a feel my hump, hump. Lookin’ at my lump, lump. You can look but you can’t touch it, If you touch it I’ma start some drama, You don’t want no drama,” —–My Humps by Black Eyed Peas.

I have been thinking maybe My Humps is not bad song. I think Fergie was really talking about her experiences with cancer and breast exams.

Things that made me go hmm?

-70 year old cabbie, listening to “Tubthumping”

– This text— FWD: In 2010 the US Gov will start shipping retards away. My eyes watered when I thought of losing you. Be strong & take your crayons!

-A woman who told her friend that facebook caused too much trauma. What trauma happened to this woman because of facebook? Perhaps she meant drama, drama could happen.

OK I am going to drink free wine.

yeah, i know
May 11, 2009, 9:55 pm
Filed under: In my head

why haven’t I updated my blog? BUSY BUSY BUSY.

I completed my midterm after a 96 hour lock down.

I am 2 hours away from completing my final project.

I am confused by my wordpress editor as it seems to no

longer wrap text automatically. So now I have to write

and hit return when I think it is time to start a new line.

Well i guess we can only make lists, until I have the

patience to fix this, argh!

New Movie I like: Strangers with Candy

Style I hate: Dressuendo or women pretending that long

shirts are dresses…whores!

Food I like: Dijon crusted chicken (though  l keep burning off

the crusted part).

Girlfriends I love: The other one, you know who you are!

people I don’t like: This guy

dumb stalker guy

dumb stalker guy