Desi’s Blog O’ Thoughts

July 3, 2008, 4:46 pm
Filed under: In my head | Tags: , ,

Hi People,

        I have made the move to a more open and inviting blogspace. I hope we can build a wonderful community dedicated to the crazy in my mind.

        So, this is what’s been going on:

A man approached me in Chelsea and said “Excuse me, can i ask you a  question?’ I said “sure”, thinking he is looking for the subway or the nearest Starbucks, I was so wrong…

Man: So , suppose you are renting an apartment from your friend for $1600 a month. You go away for three weeks then he empties out your apartment and sells some of your stuff as if you abandoned the place?

Desi: (with a look of confusion) I, I don’t know. I think you can call 311 and talk to someone from Tenant’s Rights because what he did was illegal.

Man: No, I don’t want to sue him. I just want to talk to him.

Desi: Well, then tell him how you feel without judgement. Stick to the facts and explain your confusion about the situation.

Man: Yeah, you’re right. Thank You.

     After that, I went in search of iced Coffee which when i finally found it came served in a regular 12 ounce coffee cup with some ice tossed in. It was actually very good except those cups are not made for ice so it started leaking.

An icky thing also happened, i was on 125th street,which is way too crowded now. I was going into the bank and somehow bumped into this man really hard. I have no clue where he came from. I said sorry. He said sorry then rubbed my arm. GROSS!!!!! I was so skeeved and uncomfortable I justwalked really quickly into the store. Next time i will kick him in the shin. However, this was not an isolated incident. Some guy bumped me with his bag on the train, then robbed my arm apologetically. GROSS. Men must be fascinated with my warm cocoa skin color. I wish they were my girl crushes rubbing my arm.

This month, we step away from Hot Therapist, who is still hot, and talk about my girl crushes:

Girl Crush #1 is my Buddhist girlfriend. Sadly our love only grows as far chanting together. Someday i hope to trip on the altar and fall into her arms and perhaps my arm will rub against her boob.

Girl Crush #2 is a co-worker who forces me to behave like a 12 year old. Instead, of saying things like “Wow, it’s late, wanna grab a coffee?” I pull her hair and tell her things like “your shoes are so gay”. I am well aware that if i want to get anything more out of my crushes I am going to have to “use my words”. Come one, i teach that touchy feely crap to my kids, you don’t really think that stuff works do you?

       I was listening to Christian Radio – shut up it’s was on when I got there- the DJ said “I was thinking about the high price of gas and then I started thinking about the old days and how much people had to pay to worship Christ” Personally,  I don’t think those two things can be compared. persecution vs gas prices.

     In Bora Bora – that’s the coffee shop by my house. i overheard this discussion of the local Asian fusion place.

Guy 1 : Food was great! The service is terrible

Lady 1: Did you have slanted eyes?

Guy 1: What?

Lady 1: Ya know the orientals, slanted eyes. If you had slanted eyes you would have gotten good service.

You might be wondering how i come up with this stuff. Well it is all true. I will sometimes send myself a text message to remind myself to share the crazy with my blog readers. Not all my observations make it in. like this text i recently sent to myself: ” Landon pigg, falling in love at a coffee shop”. I have no clue what I meant.